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Standard irrigation treatment

All colonic treatments include a chlorophyll and probiotic implant. 


Upon consent, a series of techniques are performed including an abdominal massage using essential oils and hot stones as well as reflexology zone therapy using pressure points.

Colonics Montreal

Colonic irrigation Montreal

Additional implants

Additional implants are also available and

can be used for a wide range of benefits.

Coffee :

A powerful detoxifier, aids in the regeneration of the liver, boosts metabolism and energy, increases immunity and improves gut health


Contains anti-bacterial, antifungal properties, excellent for managing parasites, candida and colon infections

Camomile tea

An alkaline infusion that is used to calm and soothe the digestive tract

In a one-on-one consultation

we offer personalised diet & lifestyle recommendations which are tailored to the health needs and goals of our clients.

Our aim is to identify and treat the root cause of your health problems and not just  the symptoms.

Above all, a naturopath is a health educator.

It is important for us to aid our clients in understanding that every symptom is simply a 'signal alarm' given by our body to point out an 'imbalance'.


A major focus at Clinique de Naturopathie et Hydrothérapie du Côlon, is health through intestinal cleansing and detoxification.


It is Hippocrates who said,

'All disease  begins in the gut. It may be that some important remedies are to be found there too'




Colonic irrigation Montreal

Lucia Perluzzo N.D.

Clinique de Naturopathie et Hydrothérapie

du Côlon

Baccalauréat en biologie


Hygiéniste du côlon



Repentigny Qc.

Irrigation du colon
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